Saturday, 13 October 2012

Analysis of music video

The above video fits within the indie/rock genre of my chosen song, so by analysing it I can become more aware of the expectations of my video.

Form-Abstract-styled video without any continuity; many shots of different characters partaking in different activities. This creates a care-free spirit as the video seems to have no definite structure but simply illustrates the characters having fun and being 'young'.
- Lip-syncing or any form of performance is not present. This could be due to the style of the song; the tone of the video that is signified by the characters with their action is more relevant than expressing the song lyrics through performance. However, for my video I feel performance is an important aspect as although I want a care-free spirit from the characters to be signified, I feel making some connection with my teenage target audience is significantly important. This way, they may feel more connected and able to relate to the song.

Cinematography-Many low angles to portray height of characters and view characters jumping and climbing etc.
-Close-ups used to view expression of characters (laughing/still shots).
-Camera is never still - many zoom shots as camera slowly moves from centre and catches more of character's action; emphasises care-free effect.
-Long shots to view characters standing on high heights.
-Brief tracking shots to illustrate movement.

Editing-Some shots are bright (possibly natural) and have the effect of the sun altering the colour of the shots.
-Slow motion is used on almost every shot, enabling the action of the characters to be slowed completely and emphasises the care-free effect. With the action being so significant from the characters, the slow motion allows the audience to view it more clearly.
-Tie-dye effect is used at the beginning of the video and nearer to the end; reinforcing the reckless nature that the video portrays as it's wildly brightness may suggest carelessness and reflect the teenage era.
-The content of the video also coincides with the beat of the track; ensuring the material fits with the pace changes and tone of the track. This is a technique of connecting with the audience as the sound the audience hears corresponds with the material they are viewing on screen, therefore fulfilling their expectations.

Mise en Scene-Shot in outdoor spaces; hills, fields, street, sea, skate park etc. The settings also coincide with the tone that is created in the video; the reckless nature of the characters as they take part in outdoor activities as teenagers. The actions they take part in in these settings suggest destruction and carelessness with the violence they use such as hitting flowers, climbing on cars, throwing objects etc. This highlights their destructive nature as teenagers; fulfilling the expectations of the pro-dominantly teenage audience.
-Casual costumes worn by characters illustrate a typical teenage nature; makes a connection with the teenage audience as this may be the fashion they wear and expect to view on screen due to the indie/rock genre of the song. As well as this, it fits with the reckless/careless tone that is being created.

Sound-Sound track corresponds with the editing/pace of the action; slower paced shots are matched with the slower paces of the song and continuous jumping shots are used with the continuous repetition of beats etc.

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