Thursday, 25 October 2012


Applying theory to my media text.

-My initial ideas displayed in the animatic can be supported by theorist Rick Altman who stated that genre offers a 'set of pleasures' to the audience. In particular, emotional pleasures which occur when the text creates a strong audience response. In my opinion, I feel my piece may strongly connect with its teenage target audience as it illustrates the typicality of teenage life; signifying a 'teen spirit' and carefree nature. Therefore, I feel the piece may trigger a strong audience response from the target audience as they may feel connected with the action.
-This coincides with the Frankfurt School's Hypodermic Theory which suggests that media texts 'inject' views and ideas directly into the audience's brains of the audience like a hypodermic needle, therefore controlling the way the audience think and behave. Consequently, it can be argued that the creation of my text may influence the audience to believe certain things; for example influencing them to believe the video represents their carefree nature and therefore connecting them with its content.
-However, Stuart Hall also suggests that texts have a preferred meaning from the audience, and this may not be what the text intended to mean but will be read due to the audience's cultural and social influences. This suggests that although I intend my text to connect with the audience by displaying their intentional teenage/carefree nature in a positive light, the teenage audience may individually take this differently depending on individual circumstances. However, this was expected with the creation of my text as with all media texts, so by ensuring my text isn't specified for a particular set of teenagers with a certain cultural background, this shouldn't be a problem for my video. Therefore, according to Umberto Eco my video could be considered an open text that is deliberately ambiguous and can be read in a number of ways by the audience. Although it has a preferred reading (one which is pinned down with the process of anchorage with the theory by Roland Barthes) as displaying teenagers to be free-spirited in a positive way, some may perceive the video to portray teenagers in a negative light as reckless as my animatic displays an array of different shots and styles; appearing disorganised and effectively representing this reckless nature. Consequently, according to Roland my text can be considered polysemic; it can be portrayed to have more than one meaning depending on how the individual views it and what connotations arise etc.
-My text also disputes John Berger's idea of the 1970's where he believed 'men act and women appear' as if males are the more superior sex and therefore women are considered less important. This is because both male and females are portrayed equally in my video; none viewed less capable than another. This then ables my video to be aimed at teenagers of both sexes equally without bias toward one sex.
-My video can also be seen to coincide with the narrative theory of the 'Art Clip' where the main difference between an Art Clip and a pure Performance Clip is the music; Art Clip's tend to be consisting of more modern, experimental music such as electro-acoustic music. Therefore, this greatly represents the creation of my music video as the music falls within the indie/rock genre with a concept of psychedelic rock and therefore can be considered an 'Art Clip' with abstract qualities. However, my video also contains parts of performance with the idea of written boards to display featuring lyrics as seen in Bob Dylan's music video, Subterranean Homesick Blues where some lyrics are displayed on boards so that the audience can view the lyrics visually and therefore interpret possibly further meaning, or connect greater with the song.

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