Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Possible improvements to my first edit

I feel the majority of my shots are able to connect effectively with my teenage target audience as they are fast pace and care free; enabling the shots to represent them.
However, there are a few shots I am questioning after viewing my first edit. The close-up 'laughing' shots are not as effective as I'd hoped as with the characters looking directly at the camera it looks partly forced and unnatural. They don't seem to coincide with the rest of the fast-paced running shots as greatly as I'd hoped so I may have to question these shots when it comes to improving the edit.
The sparkler shots and the final 'walking into water' shot i'm also questioning as they don't look as professional as i'd hoped whilst still enabling to look care-free. There are also large gaps in my edit, where there is obvious room for new shots in which I think more experimental shots are needed such as filming in extreme weather or more experimental editing shots. This will have greater impact on the audience whilst adding to the care-free tone that i'm creating.
Overall, I feel there is still a great amount of filming and editing to be done to have the effect I want my video to display.

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